by Bill Roberge
Why do we have rules? Whether it be in a game or real life, we want everyone to have the same chance as the other guy. You may have heard of the term “Exception to the rule.” When you make an exception to the rule of one person no matter what the reason, you are being unfair to all the other people that play by the rules, and it doesn’t take long before the word spreads among the masses. An example would be giving a membership to a person at a reduced rate when all other members pay the full price. An organization like ours has many rules and regulations to keep us on the right path. They are listed in what we call the “Red Book.” These rules/regulations are in place, so we all know the expectations of our organization and what roles we play within the organization in order to remain the leader in motorcycle issues. We need to be united, and every member must be treated equally. We must follow the rules we created, and it is the responsibility of all of our officers and members to do so.
Officer’s Training will soon be here. This will be a great time to share ideas with each other. I will be announcing one new membership promotion that will start at Officer’s Training 2022 and end with Officer’s Training 2023. I will also be offering a raffle for a Lifetime Membership, as we have done in the past. If you have any ideas to improve membership, I will be available all weekend to listen.
Regional Reps be sure to pick up your membership packets when you register for the weekend. They will contain membership lists, current and expired, as well as other membership information.
Don’t forget the important dates coming up. Officer’s Training the weekend of January 7-9th, then the most important day of the year “LOBBY Day” on February 17th. Lobby day is a great time to bring a newer member along and show them first-hand what we do.
And did you get yours? I got mine. Until next month,
Ride Safe, Ride Free, Ride with ABATE.