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February 2, 2020
Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report
March 2, 2020

URGENT Call to Action: LRB-5701/1

As motorcycle registrations have been steadily increasing in Wisconsin, so have the reports of motorcyclists being profiled by law enforcement.
Profiling by law enforcement includes deciding to stop a vehicle and questioning the occupants or determining to take law-enforcement action based solely on the fact that the person is operating a motorcycle or wearing motorcycle apparel.
ABATE of Wisconsin supports Representative Considine and Senator Erpenbach’s efforts to address motorcycle profiling in the State of Wisconsin through Joint Resolution LRB-5701/1. We are asking our State Legislators, in the Assembly and the Senate, to sign on as co-sponsors to the Joint Resolution addressing the need for more law enforcement training on what constitutes motorcyclists profiling and how to prevent it from happening in Wisconsin.
Please contact your State Legislators in the Assembly and the Senate and ask them to sign on to LRB-5701/1. It is important to contact them as soon as you can because the legislative session is scheduled to end on February 20th.
Currently signed on are Representatives Considine, Felzkowski, Milroy, Edming, Gruszynski and Mursau. They are joined by Senator Erpenbach as the only Senator. If you do not know your legislators contact information, go to www.legis.wisconsin.gov. Type your address in the “Who Are my Legislators?” section of the home page. Again, it is urgent to do this as soon as you can.
Together, with our Legislators, we can create a safe and enjoyable environment for motorcycling in the state of Wisconsin.
Thank you,
Steve Panten
(View the complete resolution using the link below: )