January 1, 2024
Where Are the Women?
January 1, 2024

Epic Adventures

A lot of people get down in the dumps this time of year. It’s very common. Taking vitamins helps. Finding a winter hobby, like ice fishing and snowmobiling helps. Some people tinker on their bikes all winter. My thing to keep me busy is doing research on motorcycle issues and getting myself pumped for future seminars, Officer’s Training, Lobby Day, swap meets, spending time in Madison building relationships with legislators, and everything involved with keeping myself informed. Those who stand idly by risk losing everything. By now I’m sure ya’ll know I’m kind of a nerd that way and I love learning. I’m a knowledge sponge.

But hey, the days are on the way to being bright again as we’ve passed the winter solstice. I hope everybody had a safe and joyous holiday season with friends and family. Now we can look forward to the new year with fresh eyes the goals to make us better.

Here’s to seeing more sun in the not-too-distant future and getting set for the next riding season. Consider taking a refresher course before riding again. Don’t count on your skills to have stayed after not riding for several months.

Happy New Year ABATE people! Ride safe. Ride free.

Becky Zarling “Quiver”