Epic Adventures
January 1, 2024
Marketing News
January 1, 2024

Where Are the Women?

by Gary Klinker

Excitement is building as we enter another year for Safe Rider. Last month we set the schedule for classes and thanks to our new Coaches we will be able to run more classes this year. As for our 2023 training season, we trained a total of 229 students. Thirty-nine were in the BRC2. That compared to a total of 170 in 2022.

That brings me to the title for this month. With over thirty years of Safe Rider classes, we usually run from 15% to 40% women in a typical BRC class. The problem-as I see it-is there is a very tiny percentage of women taking the BRC2 classes. This past year, of 39 students, only three were women. I know that many of our BRC women students either have bikes or get them after class. Why don’t they plan to come back for advanced training on those bikes? I always thought ladies were smarter than the guys who typically figured they knew it all and did not need any more training.

I would like to make a special offer to any group, either women or guys. If you can put together six of your friends or fellow riders, we can set up your own BRC2 class. I know the ABATE BOD has talked about doing this. This, of course, depends on dates and instructor availability, but we will work with you to make it happen. Think about it and let me know.

With all the change last year to the new curriculum, we are positioned well to smoothly go into this year. I do want to look for another class bike in the next few months. We want to keep the fleet up to date and have a good variety of different bikes for students to use.

Here are some dates for you to keep in mind. June 8-9 there will be an event at the WCTC Waukesha campus. It will include seminars and riding time. Watch the Newsletter for more information as it draws closer. It should be a very interesting event. It is sponsored by our state MOSAC, Motorcycle Safety Council.

Happy New Year and Ride Safe, 

